Author: tenderometer

Optimising your Pea Harvesting

Spectronic CamSpec are delighted to provide this easy-to-use, portable and precise system for pea and bean maturity analysis.  Designed especially with growers and processors in mind, the Tenderometer will maximise pea yield and profitability every time, in the process from field to fork. The Tenderometer is the world’s most widely used piece of kit for […]

Our Top 10 Reci-Peas

Peas are a classic dinner time favourite enjoyed all around the globe.  We’re so excited to share our top ten pea recipes for you to try at home.  Share your meals with us @PeaTenderometer on twitter! (V) = Vegetarian; (Ve) = Vegan Mum’s Homemade Mushy Peas (V) This simple recipe easily made it to the […]

Easy Peasy Pea Testing With a Tenderometer

“Understanding crop maturity and the accuracy of this measurement is key to staying ahead of crop and knowing when to make the move from value to premium product. The TU units give us the accuracy to work to much tighter tolerances, which in turn can affect final product grading and profitability. The units are well designed, […]