Tenderometer Shear Kit
The Tenderometer Shear Kit is made up of two components, the Kramer Shear Cell and a FoodTechCorp model FTA-TU load cell. Peas are tested using the bulk analysis test method.
Bulk Analysis
A bulk analysis test method is used when it is not practical or representative to test an individual sample as a whole or component piece - the product sample is tested “in bulk”. Foods which contain small elements in an individual serving or mouthful (e.g. peas or beans), lend themselves to being analysed by this method. The procedure then applies compression, extrusion and shear - often in combination - resulting in high forces. The most widely-used fixture is the Kramer Shear Cell.
Kramer Shear Cell (CS-1-TU Test Cell)
The main advantage of the Kramer Shear Cells is that a large sample of the product can be tested at once. This gives a better average value of texture then testing one small piece of food multiple times and speeds texture assessment. The Kramer Shear Cell faithfully reproduces the actions of consumption by shearing, compressing and extruding the sample, measuring them together and providing increased reproducibility in a highly variable product.
One side effect from testing such an increased sample size is that higher forces are generated as a result. Since competitor systems cannot supply the higher forces, mock up designs like the “Mini Kramer/Ottawa Shear Cell” were developed to try and copy this original Allo-Kramer design. In a sense this defeats one of the big advantages derived from the ability to test larger samples.
The Kramer Shear Cell is calibrated with fresh peas for Tenderometer use and must be "paired and calibrated" with a Model FTA-TU Force transducer before use. These two components make up your Tenderometer Shear Kit.
Calibration must be done annually for optimal results. You will need to send your Tenderometer Shear Kit to Spectronic CamSpec Ltd before the pea season begins each year for calibration and repairs if necessary. If you own a Tenderometer system you will hear from our team when your shear cell needs to be shipped.